AIT Alumni Association
Message of AITAA Headquarters President
On behalf of all AIT alumni, I wish to express my sincere congratulations to each of you, who have endured to success your studies and have graduated. AITAA welcome you to join more than 25,000 of AIT alumni all over the world to contribute your chosen professional and continue to make AIT proud like your seniors. I wish you the best of luck for your future both personally and professionally. Please do not forget AIT and always aware that “Once an AITian, Forever AITian…..” I also encourage all of you to join AIT alumni Chapter in your country and to keep in touch with the international friends and networks you met at AIT as well as remember our beloved Alma Mater.
I wish you a best success in your career and I’m looking forward to working with you as AIT alumni.
Taweechai Termkunanon
President of AITAA Headquarters
16 Dec 2022