50th GBM

The 50 th GBM was held virtually hosted by AITAA Vietnam Chapter from Ho Chi Minh City on 20 -21 November 2021 followed by 1 st international symposium and exhibition. About 270 number of alumni and their guest logged into various events over two days. Governing Board Meeting (GBM) The formal business of GBM was conducted by 54 registered delegates from 19 accredited chapters and the headquarter along with a total 124 observers and invited guests. Click here for registered delegates and accredited chapters. The agenda of the meeting is here.


Presidential Election 2021
Governing Board Meeting (GBM) elects president of AITAA every odd years. On 20/11/21, 54 registered delegates [1] from 19 accredited chapters [2] and
the head quarter, who were present at Ho Chi Minh (online) GBM, elected Mr Taweechai Termkunanon (HSD 1979) as president for 2022 and 2023. The
process followed AITAA Election By-Laws . Click here for more.

Exhibitors and Sponsors

AITAA is thanking its 28 number of exhibitors and sponsors who donated 24,850 $ in total. Click here for more details.


Delegates and Committee

AITAA is thanking all the delegates and committees for its help. Click here for more details.